Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Diagnosis: Lymphangioma

We had our follow up appointment with Dr. Hayden today.  He said the final pathology result is that the tumor is a lymphangioma.  He said it is a pretty unsual case and that these tumors, like hemangiomas can grow back.  For that reason he is hesitant to recommend surgery at this time.  He feels it is more prudent to watch the tumor and make sure it does not grow and invade more of the surrounding tissue.  But before we can be done with this for now, he wants to be sure there are not more tumors elswhere in her body.  So he ordered a CT scan with contrast.  We are having it done under sedation (suck) because she will need an IV and to lie still for 2 mins.  We don't think she will and want to be sure it is the easiest on her as possible.  It is scheduled for tomorrow at 10:00am.  Poor baby! 

He thought her surgical site was healing well and was not concerned that she doesn't want to walk.  Kind of what I figured, that we should let her walk when she is ready.  He thought it was pretty funny how she doesn't want to see her owie.  Everytime I change her diaper she tells me, "I don't want want to see my owie!" 

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