Friday, May 27, 2011

CT scan

The CT scan on Thursday sucked.  We were at OHSU hospital for almost 3 hours.  I am so grateful that Katya is such an amazing kid.  She did really well.  I came prepared with the portable DVD player, toys, Katya's art box and the stroller (since carrying Reagan any real distance is pretty hard).  As soon as we checked in the office lady put some tegaderm bandages with lidocain lotion on both of Reagan's hands and one foot (to numb the skin before the IV stick).  She screamed the whole time and was not at all happy with the bandages.  She settled down after a while in the waiting area and played with some of the toys.  We finally got called back to the prep area and a nurse put in her IV.  This was the first IV stick she has had to get while awake and it was pretty awful.  They had me hold her chest to chest and put her arm over my shoulder so I couldn't watch.  She screamed of course and I cried too, though she wasn't able to tell that I was crying.  They got it on the first or second try (I am not sure).  She did complain of the IV though out the morning ("It hurts me.") but did okay.  Next we waited for the oral prep contrast to be sent up from Radiology.  It was diluted with apple juice and she did well, drinking a little more than half.  The nurse brought Katya regular apple juice and we sat and watched Curious George.  After Katya accidentally spilled the rest of Reagan's contrast the nurse took us down for the test.  Katya stayed in the prep area with another nurse and I carried Reagan down to CT.  Our nurse gave her Versed through her IV and in seconds she was all loopy.  I held her until they were ready for us.  She was mumbling a bit and staring at the celling, clearly doped up.  It was a bit unsettling to see my 2yr old on drugs.  But I am really glad she had it for the scan.  She was smiling at the nurse when we put her on the table and I was able to stay with her until they were completely ready (they had to put contrast through her IV as well).  I had to step out for the test since I am pregnant and it took about 5 minutes.  She started crying after a few.  Her nurse told me that she sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" with Reagan, who was doing fine until she looked over and realized that it was not mommy singing to her. 

Katya did awesome for the 15-20mins I was away.  She played with some giant stuffed horses they had and watched TV.  They took Reagan's IV out right after the scan and she quickly became herself again.  The thing I was most annoyed with was that they had us do the no solids 6 hrs prior, and nothing 2 hrs prior but then they said they can't put her to sleep because she had to drink the oral contrast and that creates the risk of aspiration.  It was fine that all she needed was Versed, I was happy about that, but why could she not eat that morning!?  I woke her up so she could have some Jello and apple juice in the morning and she really did fine.  But it seemed unnecessary.  She was able to eat right away when we were done and it was very nice that she was not all loopy from sedation for the rest of the day.  Of course, like with all these procedures, I am so glad it is over.  I am also so thankful that we have health insurance!  We blew through our medical savings account in no time (the one we allotted for because of expecting Elsie's birth).

Our follow up with Dr. Hayden is next Friday.  We are praying that the CT was clear.  Reagan is still not wanting to walk, though she did a little bit today holding my hand.  Her leg is still swollen and bruised but the incision is looking good.  It is so strange to have her crawling everywhere!  We went to the Children's Museum today and borrowed one of their umbrella strollers so that I did not have to carry her everywhere.  Katya had fun pushing her around.  I am still having to carry her a lot and I am looking forward to getting her back on her feet.  My belly is quite impressive these days and I am definitely feeling hugly pregnant. 

We are off to Olympia tomorrow to celebrate Grandma Bev's 75th birthday.  Mom and dad are flying into SeaTac in the evening and we cannot wait to see them!  Hoping for some nice weather:-)  Have a great Memorial weekend everyone! 

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