Saturday, May 21, 2011

Post op days 2 & 3

Friday- feeling better! 

Dressing off
Thursday was a little rough. I gave Reagan one last dose of Vicodin in the morning and the switched to regular Tylenol and Motrin. Getting her off the narcotic helped a lot, that stuff really made her loopy and it tasted awful. She wanted to be carried all day and that was really hard, being that I am large with child:-). When Craig got home and I finally had some help, wouldn't you know she only wanted mommy.  Later in the evening (probablly once the Vicodin wore off) she was much happier and moving around more.

Friday was better.  She was content to crawl and walk on her knees and she played all day.  She was very happy most the day, acting like her cute, silly self.  She doesn't like to see her 'owie' leg and if we are changing her pants or diaper she says, 'Pants on!  Pants on!'  I have started only taking her one pant leg off for diaper changes but she still does not like it.  It reminds her of her owie and she gets pretty upset.  She has taken a few steps with support but is pretty much avoiding it all together.  Today she is not even really weighting her bad leg.  The swelling has definitely gone down in her leg and foot but is still somewhat swollen.   

I have always been very thankful for my healthy children, but something like this really puts it into perspective.  All day Wed, and since then too I find my self saying, "Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord" in my head:-)  Her follow up appointment in next Thursday.  It will be interesting to see what Dr. Hayden has to say about what to do next, if anything.

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