I am into the third trimester now and excited to be in this last stretch of pregnancy. I am having lots of discomforts that come along with this stage but I am feeling pretty positive overall (especially since my uterus has not been so irritable lately:-)). I know that in hindsight, 10 weeks will go by fast, and I am excited to start the 'waiting' game of anticipating labor. My midwife asked at my last appointment if I have thought about my hopes for labor and delivery and I told her I very much want a water birth. I regret not having them set up the tub when I was laboring with Reagan, though I was more ambivalent about the water birth then. Now having experienced a drug free childbirth I really want the same, but in the water for delivery. I know that every labor can be different so I am not counting on things to go as fast and smooth as with Reagan, but one can hope:-) I was happy to learn that they have streamlined the water birth set up and they should have a room ready for me with a tub already set up when we get to the hospital. All they will have to do is fill the tub which takes about 20-30mins (the nurse will need to monitor baby's heart rate during that time anyways).
It feels harder to breath these days with this growing baby pressing against my diaphragm and rib cage. She is definitely getting stronger! Her movements are noticeably stronger and hurt at times. I have heartburn when I lay down, mild insomnia and I'm getting up 2-3x a night to pee. I have been having a pain in my right glute for a while now but on Tuesday it was much worse. It radiates up to my lower back and down my leg, hurting worse when I lay or turn a certain way. I got my exercises ball out a few weeks ago and I am starting to stretch at least once a day. I was really good about stretching prior to Reagan's birth (20-30 mins a day for 2 months). I like having something to do that is actively preparing my body for the big event.
The girls and I all woke up with bad head colds Monday morning. The girls have had it for a while but have taken a turn for the worse. No fun. I am anticipating Reagan's MRI next Wednesday. I am trying to plan out our morning, full of distractions since she cannot have any food or drink before the test. Katya is excited to spend the morning with the Godfrey's and I am so thankful that they can help me out. We have a follow up with the Pediatric Orthopedic doctor on Thursday the 5th, after which we should have some news on her leg. We will be seeing the same physician who took care of Katya's broken leg and we really liked him.
Easter photos coming tomorrow! Lots of love, Brenda
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