Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter 2011

Our Lord is risen! Rejoice! We kicked off Easter this year with 8am mass at Holy Cross; a great service as always. Then home for our traditional Easter breakfast (hard boiled eggs, turkey kielbasa and homemade cinnamon rolls) and an egg hunt. We decided not to do the 'Easter Bunny' thing, but to still enjoy an egg hunt. Later we headed to Grandma and Grandpa's where we were joined by the rest of the 'Doug' Faulkner crew and cousin Jena. The girls got to enjoy a second egg hunt and had fun playing with everyone. It was a nice afternoon. Hope everyone's Easter was just as lovely!

Dying Easter eggs on Friday afternoon.
Reagan was much more interested in eating candy then finding eggs. Her sister was sweet to share some of the eggs she found.
Katya was VERY into the hunt! She didn't eat much candy til later in the day.
Waiting for the egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa's!
Cousins enjoying Easter together.
Reagan found one!
The 3 year olds.
Addison looking cute.
Great Grandpa Al and baby Paige.

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