Thursday, April 21, 2011

Reagan's leg

At Reagan's 2yr well child check I asked our new Pediatrician about the mass on her left lower leg.  It has been there, seemingly unchanged for well over a year.  We thought it was a weird calf muscle that would adjust as her legs straighten out once she got to walking.  Not so.  The Dr thought it felt cystic (fluid filled) and after having another Dr look at it, and consulting with Radiology, she ordered an ultrasound.  The ultrasound was on Tuesday and showed a 4x6cm mass, with some fluid and some tissue.  It is not attached to the bone and has some, but not a ton of blood flow.  This was fairly inconclusive and so our Dr consulted with a Pediatric Orthopedic specialist and they want a MRI.  The MRI will give them a much better idea of what they are dealing with and if a biopsy is necessary.  It sounds like if it is to be surgically removed, the Orth guys/gals will be the ones to do it.  Her MRI is scheduled for May 4th.  It will be done under sedation, obviously you can't get a 2 year old to stay still long enough for the test. 

So far, none of the people we talked to are overly concerned because it has been there for so long.  Dr. Burk said that it would be very unusual for a malignant tumor to be hanging out unchanged on her leg for so long.  But of course Craig and I are a freaked out with the possibility.  No one has mentioned the 'C' word but us, being the worst thing we can imagine.  Since we know very little at this point we are trying not to worry too much, though that is not always easy.  My fears creep in at random times during the day, like when I was tucking my baby into to bed last night.  Even surgical removal of a benign mass seems kind of awful to me.  I don't want her to have to go through any of this.  Please keep Reagan in your prayers.  Love, Brenda 

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