Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hood to Coast and pre-K meet the teacher

Craig had a fun time running Hood to Coast again this year.  It was a very different team, running with some Widmer crew (Widmer had two teams running).  Last year he ran with a very talented team and in fact he was the 'old, slow guy.'  This year he was the fast, young guy!  So you can imagine that this year it too them MUCH longer, a bit painfully long, to complete the race.  But they finished!  Craig was able to come home Saturday night instead of Sunday at my request.  He got home just as Cindy was leaving at 10pm.  My weekend went okay.  Wouldn't you know, the nights I had help Elsie did really well.  Melanie helped out Thursday and Cindy came on Saturday.  I am so grateful for their help and their company.  Friday was very tough on my own.  Having colds did not help and I was still fighting off the mastitis.

On Tuesday night we went to Katya's school to meet her teacher and some of the other pre-K families.  It was from 6:30-7:30, which is late for our kids so we did not stay too long.  We meet the full day teach and Katya's half day teacher.  The classes often do things together but there are two separate classrooms.  Katya is SUPER excited to start school next Wednesday and we are thrilled for her.  We bought a second car seat for Craig's car so he will be able to drive her to school most days.  This will help me immensely.  She has to be there at 8am and picked up at 11:15.  Elsie is often sleeping at that time in the morning and really needs her first nap to be undisturbed.  We will post pictures of her first day!

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