Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cloth diaper update

Well it has been over a month that we have been on cloth diapers and I have not used any disposables! I expected to be using disposables occationally but I have not had too. I have used flushable liners a few times (like when I am out and expecting Katya to poop) which cost half the price of a disposable diaper. They go in the cloth diaper and make clean up easier. They also come in handy if I have to use diaper cream because they protect the cloth diaper from the cream. But for the most part I am not needing anything but the cloth.

I am very happy with my decision to buy the Bum Genius brand over the Fuzzi Bunz brand. It was so hard to decide; of course everyone has a favorite and Bum Genius is turning out to me mine. They keep Katya drier than the Fuzzi Bunz and rarley leak. I find that if I am not changing her every 1.5-2hrs with the Fuzzi Bunz they leak and her skin is a bit red but the Bum Genius I can easily go 2-3hrs AND she stays drier.

I am still having trouble with the washing process and trying to get my system down. By following the recommended washing instructions the diapers and inserts come out smelling a bit like urine. I am having to do additional cycles which is time consuming and uses more water and energy. It is frustrating because so many people I have talked to about it do not seem to have this problem. I don't understand why it is different for me. I am using a highly recommended type of detergent and following all the proper instructions. Hopefully I will work it out soon.

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