Wednesday, February 18, 2009

32 week check

My midwifery appointment went good yesterday. I saw one of the practitioners I really like. Everything checked out fine, I gained almost 2 lbs in the last 3 weeks which continues to be a little on the low side but fine. She did offer me a ultrasound to check babies growth rate because I have been concerned with my slow weight gain and my belly measurements were a little off at the last visit. I could not turn that down so I will be going in for an ultrasound next Wednesday.

I talked to her a bit about labor and delivery and asked if they charge extra for a water birth. They do not even though it costs them a bit more. They want it to be available to all their patients and insurance companies like it because it lowers the chance of expensive interventions like epidurals. I told her that I love the idea of a water birth but since I am not committed to an epidural free delivery I feel unsure that I should even pursue that option. She said that there is no reason why we can't "leave it on the table" and if I want it at the time fine, and if not that is fine too. They can have the birthing pool set up in the room and if I end up choosing an epidural they will be fully supportive. She also said that having a midwife present through labor at the hospital will be a big change from the lack of support I had when I labored with Katya. She feels that women are naturally better at coaching other women through childbirth then men, and while husbands mean well, they are not always very helpful. I totally agree with this:0)

There are several reasons why a water birth sounds cool to me. The warm water is a natural analgesic; the birthing position will be more up-right and therefore using gravity; and it is suppose to be a calm and less traumatic way for baby to enter the world. I am excited that this is going to be an option for me.

My next appointment is not for 4 more weeks (besides the ultrasound) unless I have concerns. I will be 36 weeks at that time and very close to "full term!" Wow!

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