Friday, May 9, 2014

Poor baby squirrel

We went to a creek by our house last night to play around in the water. This little guy startled me when I heard him and saw him on the creek bank desperately trying to get to were I was. A little while later Katya was on the bank and he jumped onto her leg! Craig let the girls gently pet the little guys back (I know, I know, we were mindful of bits and diseases). He is obviously very young and it seems his back leg was injured (falling from a nest probably). It was pretty heartbreaking. He followed us everywhere and was shaking and closing his eyes as Katya stroked him. I read a bit online when we got home about orphaned squirrels and how they will approach humans and even climb on them when they are desperately in need of care. I felt so bad not knowing what we could do for him (or her). Katya was very upset to leave but I reminded her that his mommy still might be looking for him. Of course that could be true but it is also likely that mom was killed or won't take him back because he is injured. I guess some nature center organizations do treat and care for orphaned babies and then release them back to the wild. But it would be hard to find somewhere that would take him. I would guess this guy will be some other animals dinner. I know that is life but it still pulls at my heart strings! 

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