We are working with a relocation company that Dow hires to execute our move. It is crazy how much is involved and how many different people/companies are contracted to get us where we need to be. We have connected with a real estate agent in IN who is helping us with our house hunt. We had two listing agents come to present to us about selling this house (we get to pick our favorite). We had an inspection of the house today which is done in case Dow has to buy out our mortgage (if it doesn't sell after 60 days on the market). We had a rep from the moving company come out to take an inventory of what they will be moving. We will be having 2 separate appraisers coming to appraise our house here. Another company is going to come out to help us with getting rid of unwanted items and organizing. We have been painting, pressure washing, weed whacking, window washing, painting, organizing, cleaning, and more cleaning (I mentioned painting right?:-)) in preparation to list our house. It is getting closer but not quite ready.
We booked plane tickets to IN in July for a house hunting trip. We finagled it so that we have a whole day lay over in Denver on the way out there so we can see mom and dad! It will be a very short visit (late Friday night till Sat evening) but I am SO excited to get to see them. I have not been to their new house yet!
Phew. I am exhausted just typing about it. Time to go relax before bed. The kids are doing great and are excited for a new house with a yard!
Love to all, B