Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Holy Cross Jog-a-thon

A BIG thank you to all who sponsored Katya in the jog-a-thon! Fundraising is apart of school life, one of my least favorite parts. I know it is important, but I am grateful that Holy Cross doesn't have a ton of fundraising events. Katya did awesome! She ran a little over 2 miles, 13 laps around the indoor track at U of P's basketball stadium. It was fun being there and cheering on all the kids. Katya raised 114$!

A little housekeeping note: I am having photo storage problems with my blog and I am having to go back and delete old pictures. It is a bummer but I don't want to pay for more storage space. I am going to make a bigger effort to resize all my images to LOW RESOLUTION in order to save on space. This means you will not be able to save and print any of my photos. If there is a photo you would like to print, you can ask me to send you the full resolution version. I will ALAWYS resize and watermark on my photography blog to protect from copyright theft. Thank you!

1 comment:

Candace said...

They are TOO adorable all lined up to start! I can't believe she did that many laps! Wow! She looks tired!