Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Goings on

Here is what is new with us:

Elsie is "cruising," walking holding onto the couch or ottoman.  She is getting better at climbing into little chairs and getting herself down.  She can get down from standing now, which is great.  Her naps are all kinds of messed up and she is waking up too early.  It's really a pain because she wakes up the other girls, but we will not let her get up until a reasonable hour. 

Katya is SUPER excited to start kindergarten.  I am so glad, I know the novelty will wear off after a while, but it is so nice that she is looking forward to starting.  We got 3 free, used uniforms from school and she got to meet her teacher and see the classroom.  That was pretty great because it was just us there so she was able to meet her teacher without a bunch of other people around to intimidate her.  Tomorrow we will go to drop off school supplies and meet some of the other kids.  There are only 8 kids in her class so far.  She starts next Tuesday and will be getting out at 12noon for the first 2 weeks. 

Katya has her first loose tooth!  The dentist discovered it today at her check up, it was the highlight of the trip.  She was pretty terrible (screaming crying and running into the hall) for the visit and would not let them polish her teeth.  Reagan, on the other hand, did great!   

Reagan is cute and silly as ever.  She is going to miss her sister this year but should enjoy lots of quality mommy time. 

We are thinking and praying lots for my sister Candace and her family, as Scott gets ready to deploy for another 8 month cruise.  What?  You are probably thinking, didn't he just get home a few months ago?  Yes, he did.  I can't imagine how hard this is on the sailors and their families.  The boat pulled out of Bremmerton yesterday, I believe.  There were quite a few really negative comments  from family members on the Stennis's FB page about how soon they are leaving again.   

Doug is retiring from Puget Sound Energy!  Friday is his last day.  They sold their house in Duvall(not sure if it has closed yet) and are pretty settled in their Vancouver house.  It is so cool having them just a 30min drive away.  A few weekends ago I dropped the kids off for the day (while Craig was in CO) and got some kid free time.  It was awesome. 

That's about it!  Love, Brenda

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