Katya is about 42 lbs, and 42.5 inches, 70th percentile for weight and 50th for height. Elsie is 21 lbs 12 oz, and 32 inches long. She is in the 60th percentile for weight and 99th for height. Katya passed her eye exam and small motor skills. She was unable to hear the really low tones on the hearing exam and they want to re-check her in a few months. Not sure what this will mean. Elsie checked out fine and got a few shots. Katya got her last (I think) DtaP and it was rough. I had to drag her out of the cubby under the exam table where she was screaming crying, all while Elsie was crying from her shots. Katya was very upset after the shot but was able to take deep breaths and calm herself down to pick a prize and stickers. I let the big girls eat Fun Dips on the drive home that we got at a birthday party the day before. One of my favorite all time candy's as a kid, I am pretty sure it blew their minds. This morning Katya is running a mild fever and her arm is pretty sore. She slept for almost 13hr last night.
Miss Elsie is starting to get herself down from standing, but mostly she just stands up and cries for help. She is crawling up the stairs as of a few days ago which means the baby gate is in full use now. I am just getting use to having to put it at the bottom of the stairs (I have been using it at the top for a while) and today I spaced it, and raced over to find Elsie on the second to the top step. Yickes! I am pretty sure that happened twice with Reagan before I got it through my head. Elsie is saying "Mama" more and "Hi." She LOVES dogs and "howls" when she see or hears one. She has signed "milk," "more," "all done," and even "change diaper" (neither Katay or Reagan ever did that one) but has been inconsistent.
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