Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Elsie things

Our babe's one year check up isn't til the end of the month (combined withe her big sister's), I will post her stats then:-)  But in the mean time here is a little run down on our 12 month old!

  • One 2-3 hr nap
  • Bedtime 6pm, up between 7-7:30am
  • Signing "more" and "milk"
  • Saying, "dada" "no" "wow" and babbling (I very rarely get her to repeat "mom")
  • Crawling proficiently on hands and knees.
  • 3 meals a day, eats anything we put in front of her (like our other girls did!)
  • Still 3 bottles...I need to work on getting her down to 2 with sippy cup at lunch.  We are not in to pulling the bottle at a year.
  • Drinking 2% milk per Pediatricians instruction.  She LOVES it.  And we love that we are done buying formula!
  • Loves being outside, bath time, playing in her new baby pool. 
Elsie was sick the past few days but is feeling better.  She wanted to be held all day long which was both nice, and challenging.  I thoroughly enjoyed lots of snuggle time on the couch.  Little Miss will be going on her second camping trip this weekend.  Woo-hoo!

Love to all, Brenda

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