Friday, June 1, 2012


I posted a poll at the top of my blog about names for my photography buisness. For some reason the question is not appearing above the answer options...but it is pretty self explanitory.  I would apprichaite the feedback! I am working on designing some buisness cards, therefore I really need to pick a name and stick with it:-)  A majority of photographers just use their own name, but I am not sure about that.

Also, I am wondering if anyone besides Craig thought the line, or bar through baby L's picture on my header was a mistake.  It was not:-), but if many people think that then I should do some work to revamp.  Thank you all very much!  I will get back to posting COC pictures soon, and a post about our fantastic visit in Olympia last weekend. 

1 comment:

Candace said...

I didn't think the bar was a mistake. I like it. Very artsy. Maybe that's why Mr. Science didn't get it. ;) Love ya.