Thursday, March 29, 2012

Checking in

We have been busy around here! The Kirkland were in town from Friday-Tuesday and we had a GREAT time with them. Grandma Bev arrives Sunday for a few nights. In between that it's been playdates and housework.

The exciting news in our lives is that BOTH our parents have purchased new homes! My folks move into their Longmont CO abode this weekend after several weeks of painting, tiling, new carpet and such. Doug and Sharon are in escrow on a perfectly beautiful property in Vancouver WA. I think their estimated closing is May. They will be listing their Duvall home soon and will be down for good when Doug retires after the summer.

Kid update: They are cute, hilarious and ornery. Elsie is eating anything and everything we put in front of her and is quite good with her pincer grasp.  She is really getting mobile but not crawling yet.  She gets onto her hands and knees a lot; pulls, pushes and rolls to get where she wants to be.  It is so fun to watch!  More later.

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