Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I recently finished reading "Marley and Me," and if that book doesn't make you appreciate your family pet, nothing will! Levi, despite his issues, is such a great dog. He is perfect for us and we love him! It is hard to think of him growing old...which he is of course. He was 1.5 when we adopted him from the Galletin Valley Humane Society and so we have always called January 1st his 'birthday.' That means he will be turning 9 soon. In some ways we can see it...the grey around his eyes....his being a bit less rambunctious.  And we know that health issues will come at some point.  But for now he is healthy and happy and  sweet as ever. 

He is a great subject to practice my photography and editing skills on.  I can't decied which I like better...

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