Katya is dong great in school! She really likes her teacher and loves going to school three days a week. We are getting into the routine of drop off and pick up and discovered the quickest way to Holy Redeemer. So far I am very happy with our school choice. I like it much more than a community center or daycare facility because it is also a K-8th grade school. I asked her what her favorite thing about school is and she told me, "Going to school in daddy's car." Ha! We are going to have him take her Monday's and Wednesdays and I will take her on Friday's since he has to work a double. Last week Craig only took her once because Els had a dr appointment at 8:30 Monday morning (I dropped Katya off and then headed over to Montgomery Park where our Peds office is). Elsie's naps have gotten majorly disrupted because of school and it has been pretty hard. She is a bear if her naps are not solid. Hopefully things will get better once her naps become more scheduled and regular.
Katya is getting to know the other kids in her class. They do lots of great things including PE on Wednesdays and music class on Friday's. I love when I discover something else that she did in school randomly through out the day. She often says she doesn't remember a lot of what they did but them a few hours later I will here her singing a song that they did in school or saying something she learned. The best was when she asked me one evening, "Mommy, do we look the same?" I hesitated...not sure where she was going with this. She then said, "No we don't. God made us all different."
Here is our big pre-schooler in her DARLING Aunt Candace dress:
Sweet sisters in their dresses! My sister is so talented!
Elsie's dress is 6 month size (the smallest pattern the dress had) but I tried it on our giant baby anyways. Obviously she was not in the mood to play dress up. It is still big on her but SO cute!
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