Sunday, June 26, 2011

Katya and Reagan

I have not posted much about Katya and Reagan lately; being preoccupied with pregnancy and Reagan's medical drama. So here is a bit on what our beautiful girls are up to these days.

Katya's imagination has completely taken off and she pretend plays all day. She loves getting together with friends and plays very well with others. She gets shy at times but does well in groups. She has been playing in the turtle sprinkler that the Kirkland's got her any day that is warm enough. Her appetite seems huge lately and I wonder if she is going through a growth spurt. Her 4T clothes are getting a bit on the small side and she is almost 40lbs. She is very excited to meet her baby sister and still gives kisses and hugs to my belly everyday. She talks to Elsie as well, especially when she is excited about something (example from a few weeks ago, "Guess what Elsie!? We are having meatloaf tonight!!").

Katya rides her tricycle very well and her coloring skills are improving. It is so fun to watch her gain new skills and grow into a such a sweet little girl. Of course along with the increase in independence is an increase in bad attitude. She is quite good at stamping her foot and making a cranky face. She is also into such lovely sayings as, "You are not being very nice!" "You hurt my feelings!" "That is very rude!" when she doesn't get her way. It definitely keeps Craig and I on our toes trying to discern the best way to handle it:-)

Craig has been reading "Lion Witch and the Wardrobe" to her in the evenings. I am so surprised it is holding her attention! She is not even 4! They are about 60 pages in already. On Friday I could tell she was coming down with an illness and sure enough, she fell asleep on our bed as Craig read to her at 7pm (her bedtime is 7:30). Definitely sick:(  Saturday night she woke up throwing up in her bed.  Poor girl! 

Here is a cute picture of our Katya wearing a candy necklace that she got at Charlie's birthday party.

Reagan sure is a two year old now! She can get pretty mad and through a good tantrum when she wants. But both girls are very age appropriate with their 'fits' and overall I think they are pretty easy kids. Reagan is growing like a weed too. She is still not quite running and I will be very interested in her PT assessment coming up mid July. She knows her colors really well and can count to 13. She counts to 5 in spanish too. She has so much more of an imagination than Katya did at her age...I am guessing largely due to watching her big sister play. She goes right along with most of the characters Katya assigns to her (namely the male characters; Boots, Diego, 'the Prince'). They just started watching "Go Diego Go!", a Nick Jr show, and are pretty obsessed. All day Katya is Dora, Reagan is Diego, and I am Diego's sister Alicia. I am impressed how often Reagan called me Alicia and not mommy:-)

Reagan has been a bit clingy to me lately. She has always been more of a mommy's girl. It's too bad this is happening now when the baby is due anytime. Of course. But I figured she would need extra attention from mom when the baby comes anyways based on her personality. I think Katya will do great; she is so excited for the new addition and she will be thrilled with having Craig home for a few weeks (she's our daddy's girl). Also her personality; she is so motherly and interested in babies.

Here is a silly picture of Reagan sporting her new sunglasses at the Zoo.  We had such a nice time seeing the Smith clan when they came into town.  Patti Smith generously paid for our entrance to the zoo and we had such a fun morning!  Then getting to go to a birthday party for my niece was an extra special treat since they live so far away.  I feel like I miss out on so much:( 

1 comment:

Dana said...

Look out Hollywood. Reagan is too cute with those sunglasses. Love Baba