The physician we saw today is preforming the biopsy on Reagan's leg tomorrow morning, which is pretty much what I expected. He said that there is a list of possibilites as to what it could be. He will be cutting into the tumor, removing a peice to send to pathology, and then waiting in the OR for the pathologists response. He said he will hear one of three things from the pathologist: 1. it is benign, 2. it is malignant, or 3. they are unsure and need to do further tests on the tissue. Best case scenario, pathology says it is benign, and then Dr. Hayden will go ahead and extend the incision and removing the tumor (preventing the need for a second surgical procedure). If it is either malignant or unknown, he will sew her up and do nothing further at that time. He said that since it is a preliminary look at the issue, he wouldn't remove malignant tumor until all options are looked at and discussed. This is kind of a bummer because it would mean a second surgery. But he is the expert. I asked him if he sees many kids and he said that he sees 90% of the tumors in kids in the state.
We are the first surgery of the day, checking in at 6:15am. After Reagan gets off to surgery Craig is going to drive Katya to the Godfrey's. She is very excited to spend the day over there and it will be so nice for us not to have to entertain her at the hospital for hours and hours. Reagan will be coming home tomorrow. We had an appointment with a recovery room nurse at Doernbecher's who went over what to expect. Needless to say, I am scared out of my mind. It is going to be a long day tomorrow. Send lots of prayers our way!
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