Some readers already know that I have been suffering from some sort of 'bites' for several months now. At first I suspected fleas, though we have never seen any physical evidence of fleas. After getting Levi on a flea and tick medication and treating some carpet with Borax, the extremely itchy bites did not go away. I thought maybe bed bugs (gross) or dust mites (gross) but nothing quite fit and measures I have taken to eliminate these possibilities have not worked. The itching can be pretty bad at times, usually worse at night, and even wakes me up sometimes. I have wondered if it could have something to do with my pregnancy (a couple of surface Google searches turned up nothing), but they seem much more like bug bites. Well. A few nights ago I was reading my Maternity & Women's Health text book and low and behold, in a table listing discomforts of pregnancy was the term "pruritis" (itching). Next to it described 'papular and non-papular, pruuitis rash.' So back to Google I went and this time I found something plausable. What I kept seeing was an uncommon (less than 1% of pregnant women) rash shortened to PUPPP but the decription did not quite fit. Then, as I continued reading an article on, I found this: "Even more rare than PUPPP is a skin condition called prurigo of pregnancy (or papular eruptions of pregnancy), which is characterized by many tiny bumps that may look like bug bites." This fits! I am now pretty convinced that this is what it is. I will ask my midwives about it next time I am in. It is such a relief to have finally figured it out! I always wondered in the back of my mind if it would go away after I have this baby.
Today marks 28 weeks and the beginning of the 3rd trimester. Still a long ways to go but the light seems a bit brighter, and the tunnel not quite so long:-) Thanks for all the love and support!
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