Saturday, January 8, 2011

Open gym

Here are a few pictures from our trip to 'open gym' (at our local community center) right before Christmas.  It turned to be a great day to go because it was super slow.  It gets to be a bit much for me when it's too crowded.  As some people know, I am not always the biggest fan of other people's kids....especially when their parents aren't paying attention to how bratty they are being:-)

Katya on a tricycle:

In a little car:
Sisters on rocking 'horses'

Reagan riding backwards:

This is what I found before we left for open gym...I had to run back into the house to grap my water bottle and found them in their camp chairs when I returned.  So cute I had to go back for my camera!  It was just icing on the cake that K was wearing her witch hat and R was wearing a fireman hat. 

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