Sunday, June 13, 2010

In Manual

I have started using my camera on manual this week after my first photography class! Scary:0) That means I am having to control the aperture and shutter speed to get the right exposure. All I can say is thank goodness for digital! It takes a lot of practice. To be able to take a ton of pictures and delete the bad ones (most of them) is so handy. Plus being able to immediatly see your photo and ajust accordingly has helped me get a handle on the exposure value. It makes me glad that I waited this long to learn about photography! Here are a couple of my favorites from this weekend.


Candace said...

Beautiful pictures! I am impressed with all the work you're putting into this. I wish I had the motivation. Maybe one day. Also love the new template on the blog, the color is really nice. Love ya.

Jen Jacobs said...

Those girlies are beautiful!