Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Weekend

We took the girls to the zoo on Saturday. It rained a bit, but not too bad and the cloudy weather kept the crowds at bay. Katya had a blast! Her favorite thing was the elephants. Reagan was fairly ambivalent and was pretty sick of being either in the stroller or held by the end of it. But she is a trooper! She caught a 20-30 minute nap in the stroller, something we almost never allow, and was her only nap that day. Katya also missed her nap and so when I put the kids down for the night, I never heard another peep out of them. It was my month to host book club so Craig went out with some friends and I had a great time with the book club gals. On Sunday we had a lazy morning and got a few things done in the afternoon. Yesterday we took the girls to Columbia Park and then Craig had to work in the afternoon. Hope everyone had a nice weekend!

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