Thursday, May 6, 2010

Kelly Point Park

I think most of my blog readers probably already saw these pictures on Facebook but I thought I would post a few of my favorites here.

I took the girls here on Tuesday. It is less than 10 minutes from our house and such a great park! I can't believe I have never been before. The park is on the 'point' where the Willamette and the Columbia rivers meet. The water in the pictures is the Columbia. We didn't make it to the actual point, or the Willamette side this day. We have had to go back soon, preferably when the weather is nice. It was a fun place to take pictures but the clouds impeded the lighting. My amateur photos turn out much better when there is great natural light. I am excited to learn how I can compensate for poor lighting when taking pictures.

Despite the sand face and crazy hair, I love this one of Reagan. It is such a "Reagan" expression and I love the driftwood in the foreground.

The sun came out occationally which was helpful for photos. Not only does it help with lighting but it got Katya excited so I got a smile out of her!

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