Katya had SO much fun playing with her cousins and her grandparents, she did not want to come home!
Katya has been doing really well with potty training this month. She is able to hold her bladder really well and tell us when she has to go. We leave her diaper off for most of the day while we are home. This seems to work best and remind her that she needs to use the potty (as oppose to training pants or underwear).
Reagan is coming up on 10 months old pretty soon. She is signing 'dog' really well and even saying, 'Da, Da' when she sees them. She has signed milk a few times but doesn't do it much. She waves and claps a ton. She will clap when I ask her to! It is so amazing how smart babies are. She still hates baths, screams the entire time. When she is not being bathed she is a pretty happy girl. She likes to snuggle but also loves playing and can entertain herself pretty well. I have been blessed with such sweet babies!
I am working on my grandma Eileen tribute post and I will try to do better about blogging more often! Love to all.
1 comment:
Yea! was so glad to finally read a new blog miss them when they don't come very regularly. The picture of the 5 grandkids was darling. Skyping with you guys is always so fun. What did people do when they didn't have all these modern communication systems especially when you live so far a way. I am always so amazed at how much Kayta has learned and developed since I last saw her.
Love, Mom
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