Katya continues to have success in potty training, besides a set back yesterday and the day before. That was because she has diarrhea, poor baby. She also threw up once but I think it was something we ate because my stomach was bothering me too. Now that things are back to normal she is back to going pant-less at home. It works great that she loves dresses so much because they cover her naky bottom but allow her to easily use the potty. She still has trouble remembering to hold it when wearing underwear or training pants but is doing better. She has been resisting taking the time to go to the bathroom lately (despite the reward afterwards) but that is to be expected. She can hold her bladder really well and when it gets to full to hold any more she gives in and goes. Sometimes we have to insist she tries, which is tricky because it can easily turn into a fight. We are doing everything we can to keep the experiance positive. She is really good at recognizing the need to have a BM and is getting increasingly confident in going in the toilet instead of a diaper. It is exciting to think that she will be out of diapers soon!
Kiss from dad on Superbowl Sunday
Smiling 'with teeth'
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