Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sweet Sisters

Katya still loves to hold her sister. She is so sweet and nurturing to Reagan.

An interesting note. I checked Katya's baby book and she was 17lbs and 26.25 inches at 6 months. That means she was heavier and longer than Reagan who was 16.75lbs and 26 inches. I kind of find that hard to believe but that's what the numbers say! I think I will ask the nurse to weigh Reag again when we go in for her flu shot just to verify.

Reagan is pushing up on her arms a ton and pivoting on her stomach. The girl is ready to go places...just not quite able yet. She is still not rolling onto her back but she is getting her knees under her, with her butt way up in the air. Her legs often fall to one side when she does this which I keep thinking will encourage her to roll over. A lot of these moves are similar to what Sterling was doing when he started going both directions and moving more. That was quite a few weeks ago and this week the little guy started crawling! I have not seen it yet because my girls both have bad colds so I am not watching him this week. Can't wait to see him in action.


Jen Jacobs said...

they're so sweet brenda.

Candace said...

SOOOOO cute! I love the ones of Katya's little chubby hand ever so gentle on R's face. Too adorable. What a sweetie.