Saturday, September 26, 2009

Reagan's eats

Reagan is still exclusively breastfeeding. Yeah! It has been SO challenging but we are going strong. I still have occasional lows in my milk supply but she is such a great nurser that she is able to stimulate more production. Sometimes I take a herb called fenugreek to help boost the milk supply and it works great. The fact that she won't take a bottle, as frustrating as it can be, has helped a lot. There have been so many occasions that I would have supplemented with pumped milk in a bottle because she was not getting enough from me (I still try and offer a bottle sometimes, when I think she is hungry). I feel bad for her when she wants more, but she keeps sucking and forces my body to make more milk. It rarely takes more than a couple of days to get my supply up to what she wants and she always gets enough to keep her hydrated. I am so incredibly lucky to be a stay at home mom; there is no way I could keep my supply up if I was working. Or if she was a finicky nurser like Katya was.

I cannot believe that Reagan is old enough for solid foods! Time has flown by. We are waiting until she is 6 months old and I have been reading up in my "Super Baby Foods" book to get prepared (thank you Aunt Kathleen!). I am a little frustrated because I want to make my own baby cereals but will have to give her iron and calcium supplements if I do. I will discuss this with her pediatrician before we start. I have been going back and forth on what food to give her first. Dr's like cereals because they are very low risk allergy wise. But grains are hard for their little GI system to process. The Super Baby Food book says that at 6 months they can process homemade cereals but not before so I think that is what I will start with. I could start with fruit or vegetables....banana and avocado are popular first foods.

I will post pictures of the first meal in a few weeks!

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