Monday, August 10, 2009

Reagan 4 months old!

Reagan's 4 month check went fine. She is doing all the things she should:0) Dr. Oller was impressed with her head control and said I can go ahead use the Ergo baby carrier instead of the Bjorn (we never bought the infant insert for the Ergo). She weighed in at 15lbs 3oz (90th%) and measured 25inches (75th%).

Here is what she is up to these days!
* Rolling tummy to back
* Smiling, laughing and cooing (she loves being sung too)
* Standing with help just for balance (she hold all her own weight)
* 'Crunches' Trying to sit up when she is partially reclined
* 2-3 naps a day (3 shorter naps or 2 super naps)
* Is awake for 1.5-2hrs at a time.
* Finally sleeping in her crib!
* Wakes 1-2x a night to nurse
* Not wanting or needing a pacifier
* Discovering her hands and feet
* Noticing the dogs more and more
* Teething

She is so much fun. I love reading to her and getting her to laugh. Katya is a fantastic big sister, so sweet and caring. We have a blast together!

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