Katya looking through dads legs at chopping wood. Katya likes to say firewood which comes out "Bow-wee woo."
Here is inside our awesome new tent. The idea is that Katya will sleep in the pack and play and Reagan in her car seat.
Reagan napping under the table were it was shady and a little cooler.
Katya having a snack.
Our trip was not a total failure but we did not even make it through one night! It was very hot for the first few hours (and as you know, Craig and I HATE the heat and get very cranky) but it cooled down by 5pm which was great. Katya enjoyed being outdoors and having a campfire. She did not nap which was not unexpected (excitement plus it was so hot in the tent) and went down for the night well. But then someone came to ask if we had a grill they could borrow, Bentley barked and woke Katya up. Reagan had been fighting sleep all day and was overly tired and cranky. After a few hours of soothing screaming children, and foreseeing a hard night of Reagan waking Katya up and Katya not going back to sleep easily, we decided to pack up and head home. We left the campground at 945pm and got home at midnight. That was pretty good time, especially with 2 stops, one for coffee in Cougar and one to nurse Reagan.
The dogs had a good time and we are hopeful that our beach trip in August will go a little smoother. We shall see. We are going to pack stuff for Reagan and I set up in the back of the Jeep for the night so that we don't wake up Katya. That should help.
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