Friday, May 22, 2009

Reagan 6 weeks old

Reagan's eyes are more brown/grey now instead of blue/grey. They are so pretty and I love watching the color change. Our girl is 6 weeks old now. She still has an occational cough and congestion and is still getting eye drops but is doing well. She is now smiling at us (social smile) although not real often. She is pretty serious and it is such a treat to get a smile from her. Yesterday she did a huge, open mouth smile that was so cute. She is still up every 2-3hrs to nurse day and night. She often has one 4hr streach of sleep in a 24hr period but it is usually during the day or in the evening. She goes down for naps pretty good but it harder to put down in the evening/ night (wants to be held). She still has her fussy periods and screams for no good reason but she is not too bad. She is wake more and more during the day but usually only lasts about an hour. As you can imagine from her chub, she is a great eater and is fully into 3 month sizes. She is long as well as chubby. I finally gave her her first bath a few weeks ago and she liked it!

1 comment:

Candace said...

I can't believe she liked her first bath! What a good good girl! Maybe she'll be a swimmer... or a Marine Biologist. Love, Auntie C