Wednesday, May 13, 2009

More drama..

As if we did not have enough issues...we now have one more. I have a pretty bad case of mastitis. It is very painful and there is an abscess in my breast. The midwife is hoping that we caught it early enough to just be treated with oral antibiotics. If this does not work it will have to be drained and IV antibiotic are in order. I can hardly believe this is happening. But since I had it with Katya I am at an increase risk for developing the infection. It also causes flu like symptoms and I am very fatigued and achy. Rest is an important part of the treatment so Craig and I need to have a talk tonight about how that is going to happen. He has a lot of stuff going on at work right now and be new there he really does not want to take time off...but the alternative to me not getting better is a hospital stay which would force him to stay home.

My cold is getting better, thank goodness. I still have a bad cough and other symptoms but it is better. Craig continues to fight his cold; Katya has a lingering cough and occasional runny nose but is doing great; Reagan sounded a bit congested last night and this morning but is doing fine. Got to go deal with a tantrum...will post updates.

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