Katya loves playing Peek-a-Boo as you can see from this picture series. She also likes putting things on her head (and the dogs heads) and saying "hat". Another favorite game is chasing Bentley around with her lion (her scooty toy, she mainly pushes him). Poor Bent! She really likes the wooden fish puzzle that Grandma and Baba T got her and I am so impressed at how good she is at it. It is rated 3yrs and up but she has already mastered "fishing" for the pieces with the magnetic fishing pool and she knows which fish goes in what space (which took ME a while to figure out). She is getting better at putting them in the space but still needs a little help. She is also getting really good at her shape sorting cube. With this toy she is better at putting them in the hole then recognizing which shape goes were although she is getting better at this. Some obvious ones she knows like the star and the oval.
She is really telling me it that she is ready to work on potty training which I have been putting off. I don't want to push and start her too early but she talks a lot about her elimination and is starting to predict it (by seconds). I am going to take it slow with her but I would like to get her a little potty and have her sit on it once a day or so. Once in a while I put her on the big toilet; she likes taking tissue and "wiping" her bum. I need to go by the second hand store, last time I was there they had a little potty for 7$.
I have been feeling poorly the last few days. Yesterday was terrible and I played with Katya from the couch most of the day. The one bad thing about being a stay at home parent is you can't call in sick! I am not sure if I am fighting off an illness or just so tired from the insomnia that it is making me feel sick. I am achy and extremely tired. I agree with Rena that even though the sleep deprivation of having a new baby is hard I prefer it over being pregnant and not sleeping. Last I took 1/2 a Unisom and feel asleep about 9:30 which was fantastic. I did get up 4 times to go to the bathroom though and I had some really upsetting dreams that I am having a hard time shaking. I won't go into the details but I was relieved after waking up and realizing that Scott is going to be out of the cockpit for the next year. I was also very happy to open Candace's blog this morning and see that they arrived in Newport yesterday! Unfortunately all their stuff, which was suppose to arrive this weekend via movers, is not getting there until next Sat!
I will finish off with a little message from Katya: "Home. Daddy, daddy, mama, daddy home. Bent home. Vi home. Hi Baba. All done. Down mom, down mom, down mom."
1 comment:
Fun stories Brenda about life with a toddler. Sorry to hear you are having trouble sleeping. Hopefully you are just fighting something that will go away soon. Feel better!
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