Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Long time no post!

I am still waiting on a power cord for my laptop and so have been pretty much without internet for the past few weeks. I can occationally get our desktop to work, as I have for this post. I fixed the girl name poll so people can continue voting until our 20wk ultrasound, less than four weeks away!

I am still feeling MUCH better but not without episodes of nausea (usually mild, occasioinally sever) and occasional vomiting. That tends to happen when I forget to take my Unisom and B6. I have been feeling the baby move but not very often. A few days ago I felt a definite tap (kick or punch) on my lower belly which was cool. My waistline continues to grow and I have put away my pre pregnancy pants for the next year or so.

Katya had her 15 month check on Monday. She weighed in a little over 23lbs, 50th percentile and 32inches long, 90th percentile. This is the time that their growth slows conciderably so she is just right. She had to get 4 evil shots; the last of the Prevnar series (pneumococcol vacine which protects against that particular bacteria which can cause meningitis and other serious infections); her first varicella (chicken pox); first MMR and the flu shot. SHe has to get a boster of the flu shot in one month (suck). She was very fussy yesterday and had a low grade fever. The MMR and varicella shots are known for this so we were pre-warned. Her legs were sore too and she screamed when Craig bumped them wrong. My poor baby! I have her some Motrin and she is doing good today so far.

We asked our pediatrition about weaning her from the bottle and her pacifer. She said it is totally up to us when we want to do it because she only gets her pacy at night (and nap) time and only has 2 bottles a day. She said if she was walking around all day with her pacy and or a bottle it would be a different story. Because of the new baby on the ways she suggested doing it either now or much after baby is born. We are not going to worry about the pacifer since it is her only comfort item. We are going to try to go down to one bottle a day for now because she has not been super interested in her evening bottle lately. At least that was the plan but when we offered her warm milk in a sippy cup last night she wanted NOTHING to do with it. We put it in her bottle and she sucked down 4oz. Not sure if we are going to continue trying to offer the sippy cup or bottle. She drinks about 8-9oz in the morning and 3-5oz at night which is a good amount of milk (not too much). Our doc said 14 to 15oz is plenty at this age.

Katya is loving walks to the park and does the sign for "play" whenever she sees a playground. She also likes knocking over the stacking boxes that Grandma T got her. She says "boom" as I set them up in anticipation. Her other favorite is the pushing/scooting toy that I bought her at the second hand store. She now loves to sit on it but requires that we push her around. This is tiring so we only last so long but she would be content to do it all day long if she could. She has not learned how to scoot herself with her feet yet. New words: she says "car" somethimes when a loud car drives by; Craig has been getting her to say "bottle" but that is not one I encourage; she says baby but would prefer to sign it. Total signs are between 25-30 and words are about 14. I have some darling new pictures to post but have to wait until I get my laptop up and running.

Bye for now!

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