Friday, October 10, 2008

Boy or Girl? What do we think?

Several people have asked me what our gut feeling about the gender of new baby. Craig does not have a feeling either way, at least that he has said to me. My feeling is that we are having another girl. I am not sure if this is because I have a really hard time imagining having a boy, since my world is enveloped in girl. I think it would be awesome for Katya to have a sister so close in age to her but I know she would love a brother too. A boy would be cool because it is different than what we have now but another girl would be just as great. I know it is me being extra sensitive but it seems like everyone around me wants boys so bad that a girl seems less exciting or even a disappointment. Which is ridiculous of course. And yes, I am EXTRA sensitive this pregnancy. So much more than with Katya it is pretty comical (and kind of annoying).

It is hard to imagine having another child who as important to us as Katya, which of course new baby is and will be. It's just that when you love someone so much it can be hard to imagine having that kind of passion for someone else. I can't wait to find out the gender of new baby so we can pick out names and decorate the nursery. For me it is a really good way to bond with the little one before they are born!

I better get going. Little Miss Pants, as we like to call her, is very fussy today (and was yesterday too). Her cold is in her lungs now and she is pretty congested. She has been taking two naps a day this week and she needs it!

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