Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I started taking Unisom last night, a over the counter sleep aid (it is an antihistamine) for my nausea. The midwife recommended trying it along with vitamin B6, if the B6 alone does not help. Yesterday afternoon I was feeling pretty good, eating a PBJ and almost done with it when out of now where my stomach lurched and I was running to the bathroom. I could not keep down my dinner either and so I decided it was time to try the Unisom. I have to take half a tablet 3x a day, with 25mg of B6. I took my first half before bed and fell asleep quickly despite the Fugesicle and chocolate bar that I was able to keep down. Needless to say I have been really sleepy today. I have not felt great but have not thrown up yet today so that is good. Hopefully it will help me and hopefully after a few days on it I will not be so sleepy.

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