We have had several days of 100+ weather here in Portland and we are really tired of it! The hottest day was 105 and it got up to 86 degrees inside our house, which I guess at least is not 105 but is still pretty awful. Cindy was nice enough to offer her house while she was gone to Seattle for a few days. She has a window air conditioning unit which works well. We were going to go over there on Thursday but I got so hot and cranky that even packing up and going over there was to much so we stayed home. That sounds silly but packing up everything Katya needs (pack and play, high chair, food, milk, toys...) and trying to prep dinner was too overwhelming. On Friday Katya and I headed to the Tillman duplex around 12:30. Mel got home early from work (she decided to leave her last cleaning for another day because it was so freaking hot and only one of her clients that day had air conditioning!) and so we hung out with her for a while. Then we went up to Cindy's place and Katya took a nap while I showered and laid on the couch for a while. We spent the evening at Melanie's and slept at Cindy's place. We went home Sat morning to join Craig and then all 3 of us went back to the Tillman's at 1pm. Craig left for work from there and Katya and I stayed until 9:30. Our neighbors also offered their air conditioned house; thank goodness for our awesome friends!
Today is suppose to reach 90 and be overcast and muggy. Next week is going to cool down considerably, even a few days in the 60s (if they are right). Needless to say we are getting anxious for Fall.
I am adding onto this post that I started yesterday. Today is rainy and MUCH cooler! Thank you Lord! We even had some thunder and lightning this morning which was fun.
Yesterday Katya started to practice standing up without holding onto anything. It was so cute! She did it once and of course we got all excited and praised her so she kept doing it over and over. The longest balance was about 5 seconds which was SO good! She even got up without using anything for help once but usually used something low like her chair or Levi laying down to get herself started. She is going to be walking in no time! She continues to learn new signs all the time. She is finally signing "more;" she also does "swimming," "change diaper," and "rain."
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