Hello all! Last Sunday Cindy, Melanie, Rich and I rode in the Portland Bridge Pedal; a bike ride that tours all of the Willamette River bridges. We did the shorter family ride which only went over 6 of the bridges and was 14 miles in length. It was perfect for us since Melanie and I are not in the best biking shape. Cindy could have done the long one which is 36 miles and hopes to next year. They also have a 24 mile route which I might be inclined to try next year. It was very fun and so cool to see so many bikes on the roads. We even got to pedal over the Marquim bridge, which is I-5 crossing the Willamette and the Fremont bridge which is the 405 freeway. It was fun to stop on the Fremont bridge and admire the view of downtown.
Katya and Craig are all but recovered from their head colds but I cannot seem to shake mine. My head is still full of junk which is causing killer headaches. If I move my head too fast or get up from laying down I get shooting pains in my head. I am pretty tired of it. I am trying to rest during the day so I can get better but its hard with a one year old to run after. Also, I cannot do NOTHING all day while my husband is at work. At the least I have to do some cleaning and cook dinner and I always do more than I tell myself I am going to; I can't help it!
Katya is now crawling primarily on her hands and knees. She is getting bolder at walking while holding onto our hands and she walks quite well holding onto the Ottoman. She is signing 10 words now; the new ones include 'all done' (I don't know if that is new but she is signing it very well now)'mom', 'water', 'eat',and 'bath. Water, eat and mom all look the same but she understands what the different words mean and knows that they are different signs; the ways she attempts them just looks all the same. I continue to show her the proper way and figure she will learn to do them better with time. She is also starting to sign as a request for something, not just because she knows it or because I prompt her. She does not do it real often yet but she has 'asked' for milk, water, and a bath.
Katya is able to point out several body parts when asked. She shows me her belly (her favorite), tongue, eyes, head, foot, and ear. She is giving kisses and hugs like crazy. She is really enjoying her dogs and loves to hug and kiss them. Levi is so nice to let her climb on him and hug and pet him. Bentley is not as compliant but he puts up with her okay. She like the "Itsy Bitys Spider" song and does the rain hand motions when I start singing it. She continues to love her baths and will sign 'bath' when she is near the guest bathroom. I cannot believe how quickly she picks up on things. It seems like she learns something new everyday.
Craig is starting a part time job at Widmer's restaurant on Friday. He will be busing for a while until they can move him into a serving position. This is how all servers start. He will get tipped out (his friend who works there makes about 50 a night in tips busing) which is good and does not mind the easy, mindless position; at least for a little while. He is excited about the organization and hopefully that will continue. I know that many, if not all of you, think it crazy that Craig is going to be working two jobs while I am not working at all. To this I will say: it is between Craig and I; our decision as a family and we would appreciate everyone respecting that.
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