We cannot believe our baby is one! I am sure all parents feel this way. Katya had a fever all day on her birthday, poor baby. She did okay though and is feeling a little better today (Motrin has helped a ton and helped her sleep last night). I have been feeling super run down as well so she probably got whatever I have. Besides that she had a nice day. We snuggled up and watched a bit of the Veggie Tales movie that the Faulkner's got her a while back. She only lasted 15minutes but I was happy with that. Yes, we were breaking the no screen time rule but sometimes sick babies and mommas have to break the rules. We went to Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner. Grandpa made a delicious stir fry that we all enjoyed. Katya had her first desert, a cupcake which she thoroughly enjoyed as you can tell from the picture.
Today she had her 12month well child check. She is now 21lbs, 8oz and 29 and 3/4inches long. Dr. Oller was pleased with her development and all the signs she knows. She is now doing the sign for 'telephone', 'all done' and 'dog'. She also does 'wind' when we show her how. And...she is crawling on hands and knees!!! It is so cute to watch her. She does it more on the carpet/rug but sometimes on the hard floors too. She still army crawls but is doing both.
Tomorrow we leave for her first camping trip! Can't wait. I have been busy today getting ready; since I was feeling so crappy this week a lot of stuff got put off. I have also been having fun framing her new pictures and working on her baby book. We took her in for professional pictures on Monday. She was very serious for the shoot so the pictures are not quite her animated self but still very cute. I will send out a link so you all can see them soon. Love and prayers, Brenda
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