Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cotton Babie Butts

After e-mailing my sister Rena about my favorite cloth diapers (she wants to buy some for her sister-in-law) I decided it has been a while since I plugged for cloth diapers on my blog. I realize I am not influencing a large audience, but what the heck. It is something I really love....when our local cloth diaper store was hiring I wished I could apply!

I have been using cloth now for almost 2 years. I have to say that I am happy to only have one baby in cloth now, but really they are not as much trouble as many moms might think. Cloth is the BEST thing on sensitive bums, they are nice on the pocket book and to think of the mounds and mounds of disposables I have saved from the landfills is pretty gratifying. I am no hippy mom; I really got into cloth for the savings but when you think of the gallon bags of nasty, plastic diapers that fill up each week, I think most people would agree. Plus cloth diaps are so cute! I have been thinking that a Bum Genius photo shoot is in order.

I still LOVE my Bum Genius diapers....though I also like the new Flip system that Cotton Babies (my favorite, fantastic cloth diaper company) put out. All my diapers are one-sized and have held up beautifully with both kids. Katya still fits into them for naps and night-time. I will admit that cleaning up poop diapers are more work in cloth, and not very fun (I am meticulous about rinsing them) but the urine ones just get thrown in the pail. Wash every other day, a few cycles, and done. Very, very environmental friendly laundry detergent (the name brand 'free and clear' detergents are a joke, they still have additives) is essential in caring for your diapers so the only impact is the extra water and energy used to wash.

I love sharing my knowledge about cloth diapers. I am a total convert and never thought I would be using cloth so I know were the non-cloth people are coming from. I am always happy to talk cloth if any readers out there are interested! I am taking good care of my diapers and hoping for one more cloth diaper butt in my future...