Friday, March 25, 2016

Good Friday

My dad is participating in a "Passion Walk" today, about 7 miles from one parish to another. My mom is working, but someone sent her this picture. She said dad "was pressed into carrying the cross." This is so moving. 

I hope everyone has a fruitful Good Friday. It is one of only 2 official fasting days for us Roman Catholics (the eastern traditions fast more often), and I really love this challenging spiritual practice. Emptying ourselves to meditate more deeply in our reliance on God. The church says two small snacks, and one small meal to keep up strength. Plenty of water, you would be hard pressed to find a reason not to try fasting. We are so use to filling, and often overfilling our bellies. Jesus truly is the food for eternal life. 

Much love to all. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Picture happenings...

Getting our passports. 

Ballerina bike riding. 

Love rocks for Christ Renews His Parish retreat weekend, which was wonderful and grace filled. 

Lunch with sister. 

Things about Reagan: Nice, beautiful, happy, creative, small, and 6. All true. 

School carnival with friends. 

Preschool circus! 

Baking bread. 

Big camera picture of sweet pea. 

Baby loves books!