Monday, February 24, 2014

Test post

I am posting a few cute picture of Paige that I found to see what the colors look like before emailing it to Eryn:-) We got our Dell set up in the downstairs office now and I am having to adjust a few things to make sure the monitor is calibrated correctly.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tommy the Turtle

Katya got to bring the class "pet" home a few weekends ago. She wrote a nice letter from Tommy in the journal all about his adventures with us. We had some pictures printed quickly at Costco to add to the journal as well.  I hope Tommy had a nice time with us;-) This project reminded me of Carsten's weekend with his class pet...which turned into a few weeks because that is when the floods happened. Rena took a picture of him and the monkey on the hill where they spent the night. They really had an adventure!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Fun weekend with friends!

We had just the best weekend with Melanie and a Rich! They flew in on Friday and left around noon today. Saturday was even Melanie's birthday which was fun to celebrate with her. We went to a fancy lunch downtown Indy and then to the Indianapolis art museum. 
Our awesome neighbor watched the girls so we could enjoy the afternoon outings. Then we had dinner and hung out and after the kids went to bed we watched a great movie (Carrie, the original, one of Mel's favorites). 

Sunday was full of delicious appetizers, drinks and hanging out. The Super Bowl didn't start till 6:30pm our time, but the bonus with the late start was that the kids were all in bed by 7 so it was easier to enjoy the game. Or should I say the slaughter! Go Seahawks! 

It was hard to say goodbye to our wonderful friends, but easier knowing we will see them this summer when we road trip back to Portland for a visit.