Thursday, January 14, 2010

Reagan 9 months old

We had to reschedule Reagan's 9 month well child check today because we don't have are new insurance information yet from Dow Agroscience. By my own measurements she is 28 inches long (approx the 65th percentile) and weights 18.2 lbs (50th percentile).

Here are some things she is doing these days:

* Army crawling well
* Getting onto hands and knees and rocking
* Babbling ma-ma, da-da; happy screeches, clicking tongue
* Sucking thumb more to self sooth
* Starting to drop the 3rd nap
* Weaning slowly to the bottle
* Pincer grasp, self feeding Cheerios, pear, cheese, other soft foods.
* Favorite food is avacado

Reagan has her preferences with solid foods but she eats most everything pretty well. She is not too sure about yogurt; but that is because we only give her plain, no sugar or flavors added, which is pretty tangy. We are buying Nancy's whole milk yogurt for her because the whole fat is good for brain development, and it is delicious! What a treat for the rest of us:0)

She is doing much better with the weaning. I am nursing her 2-3x's in a 24hr period and she gets 3-4 bottles. My milk supply is dropping off and I imagine I will be done in another few days. She does best taking the bottle from me. It is kind of funny because a lot of babies won't take the bottle from mom (Katya was like this) yet little Reagan prefers it from me. We switch her to a fast flow nipple and now that she is use to it she is getting more formula down which is good. She is finaly drinking the 6-8oz bottles that a baby her age should.

Reagan is really interested in her sister and the dogs these days. Katya can really get her laughing, it is so cute. Reagan puts her hands over her head for "so big!" She LOVES a 'baby Elmo' book that my parents got her for Christmas. Her little face lights up everytime I start reading it to her. She has clapped a little but not real often. We are working on bye-bye. She is not signing yet but she pays attention to the signs when I do them. Here are some more cute pictures of her eating at my parents house.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas pictures added

I added a Kodak album link of the pictures we took in California. Beware, there are a lot of them! Starts with the Smith's at our house and ends with the plane ride home.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Grandma Eileen Thompson

My dear grandmother passed away this morning. I am so happy that she is now pain free, at peace with the Lord our Savior, and with her husband. Yet, of course, I am so sad and grieving the loss. It is hard for me to put my thoughts into words. I am so incredibly thankful that I got to see Grandma twice while we were in California for Christmas. The visits were very brief yet they were so special and I feel so blessed that I was able to tell her how much I love her. She was able to meet her little namesake, Reagan Eileen and got to see Katya too. I look forward to telling my girls about meeting their great grandma Eileen when they are older.

I will do a longer, tribute post to Grandma in a few weeks, after her funeral. The celebration of her life will be next Wednesday and Thursday; I am very much hoping to go but I am still trying to work out the details.